Korean Medical Education Review 2008;10(2):45-52.
의과대학생의 멘토링 프로그램 필요 요구 및 희망 진로와의 연관성.
오승민, 신홍임, 전우택, 양은배
연세대학교 의과대학 의학교육학과
Who needs mentoring program among medical students
Seung-Min Oh, Hong-lm Shin, Woo-Taek Jeon, Eun-Bae Yang
Department of Medical Education, Yonsei University College of Medicine
Correspondence:  Eun-Bae Yang
& Method : To describe medical students need on the mentoring program and relationship with career choice, 186/251 (74 .1 %) of first-and second-year medical students at Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea were surveyed. Result : 66.1% of medical students replied that he/she would volunteer as a mentee in mentoring program. Medical students’ need area in mentoring program was specialty choice(62 .9%), research development(18.8%), adapting to school life(13.9%) and effective learning skill(2.7%), 47.2% of medical students replied that his/her wishful career and working place is university faculty. Medical students who replied that he/she would volunteer as a mentee showed more needs on the research mentoring program(P=0.0112) and faculty career(P=0.0185) than those who replied that he/she would not volunteer as a mentee. Conclusion : For successful implementation of mentoring program, this analysis on medical students’ need should be considered.
Key Words: Mentor, Mentee, Research mentoring program, Medical student, University faculty, Career choice, Education program development

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