의과대학생들의 진로선택과 진로지도. |
김상현1, 윤유상2, 전우택3, 양은배3 |
1연세대학교 의과대학 BK의과학사업단 2인제대학교 의과대학 응급의학과 3연세대학교 의과대학 의학교육학과 |
Sang Hyun Kim1, Yoo-sag Yoon2, Woo-Tack Jeon3, Eunbae Yang3 |
1BK21 Project for Medical Science 2Department of Emergency Medicine, Inje University college of Medicine 3Department of Medical Education, Yonsei University college of Medicine |
Eunbae Yang |
Abstract |
Purpose This study ana1ysed the intention of medical students career choice, educational programmes, and mentoring and counseling system for career planning at Yonsei medical school in Korea. Methods: The data were collected based on four separate graduation questionnaires at Yonsei medical school in the years of 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008. The number of the survey was 130 in 2005, 130 in 2006, 153 in 2007, and that of the latest was 120 in 2008. We ana1ysed the career intention on medical specialties and activities, and perceptions of important factors in choosing medical specia1ty. Results: The resu1ts which can be drawn from this study are these: firstly, students had more intention for choosing clinica1 medicine as university faculty than any other activities. While male students preferred to major in surgery, neurosurgery, orthopedic surgery, uro1ogy, otorhino1aryngology, female students in internal medicine, neurology, anesthesiology and pain medicine, diagnostic radio1ogy, laboratory medicine. Secondly, students perceived that the most important factor which can influence on choosing a medical specialty was individual factor such as one’s interests and concerns, values, and aptitudes. 1n stead, they relatively less perceived mentor and ro1e model’s effects on choosing a medical specia1ty compared to those of the United States of America. Third, the career planning at Yonsei medical school was evaluated well, especially educational programmes for career planning such as self-assessment programme, elective(specialized) courses, and conversation with a senior programme. Conclusions: Unexpectedly, there are high demands for career planning by medical students. Therefore, we will reorganize systematic devices for career planning such as mentoring and counseling system at medical school. |
Key Words:
Career planning, Medical specialty choice, Mentoring, Counseling, Role model |